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Square-jaw shave surgery FAQ

How long does it take to recover after the procedure?
You may be able to go for a walk in about 10 days after the surgery and going shopping is also allowed in two weeks. Swelling can last up to 3 months and should subside completely after that. Some may experience longer recovery as every result can vary depending on individuals.
After surgery, will the surgery affect eating and speaking without my mouth wide open?
Even if your jaws have to be wired together, you should be able to swallow fluids eg milk, juice. You may find it hard to speak properly even if you practice as much as you can during stabilization. It is important that the jaws are fixed by pins and screws to help your bones heal well. 
I get incredibly nervous about double-jaw surgery. Could my protruding chin be corrected only by the
The lower jaw surgery is performed by altering the lower jaw and fitting into the upper jaw. This, in return, may keep the lower jaw still at the wrong position as it’s fit into the upper jaw is either advanced or set back. Therefore, the lower jaw may still remain as protruding or receding depending on how the upper jaw is altered after surgery.
Protruding chin surgery is done by the lower jaw surgery and double-jaw surgery. Is there any differ
Protruding chin usually indicates how the lower jaw is positioned depending on how the ratio of the upper jaw and the lower jaw are respectively positioned. Sometimes, the upper jaw is in the rear of the portion while the lower jaw is in a normal range of the angle and more often the other way around. Moreover, the anatomical structure of both the upper jaw and the lower jaw are protruding. The lower jaw can be altered if it is forward while the upper jaw is at the right position. Double jaw, Bimaxillary Surgery, is necessary when jawbones are out of range. 
When do you perform orthodontics, before or after surgery?
Pre-surgical orthodontics are primarily used to improve the misalignment of your teeth first, and then additional treatment followed after surgery. But if your teeth are orthodontically aligned, a surgery may be carried out before orthodontics. By recent advances in orthodontics, for instance, ‘Corrective Jaw Surgery before orthodontics’ as a combined treatment, there is a wide range of conditions that people can have for this procedure. It seems that there’s more benefit from surgery particularly when it is performed after repositioning excessive misalignment of your teeth. 
Even though I have a normal bite, or ‘occulsion’ with protruding chin, would I need orthodontic trea
Two reasons may be able to explain why your teeth look properly aligned with protruding chin. First, a term that ‘Neutral occlusion prognathis is often called when your protruding chin is not a result from teeth alignment as you retain normal bite. After orthodontic treatment, you will be encouraged to receive corrective surgery as it is necessary. In this case, it takes far less time for the course of treatment than the case of malocclusion. Another reason that your teeth look normal, however they are misaligned, is because of the effect of Dentoaveolar compensation. This condition also requires orthodontic treatment.
Is orthodontic treatment necessary before chin surgery?
Yes, it is. Misalignment of jaws and teeth results from skeletal and dental irregularities. This is only seen in people who have a protruding chin, thus orthodontic treatment is inevitable to correct the oral structure. It is important that your decision should be made on planning for your corrective surgery, which will include orthodontics before and after the surgery. 
What is protruding chin surgery?
The upper and lower jaw may grow at a different rate, protruding chin refers to mostly the lower jaw being more advanced than the upper jaw. This often causes different types of symptoms that are diagnosed as macrogenia or prognathism. Macrogenia uses several methods including the chin being cut at different angles depending on your wishes and whether the lower jaw is facing forward or downward. Some patients with prognathism may need to have corrective jaw surgery for function problems with speaking and/or chewing. In addition, those people who have an improper bite may benefit from corrective jaw surgery because the misalignment of the jaws sometimes affects digestion, jaw joint movement and other health issues.